OSC and Robert E Howard and HP Lovecraft...to Gary Gygax to JK Rowling...who write amazing work, but are nearly impossible to support.

But then you have wonderful authors (Charles Stross, Jonathan Howard, etc) who are polar opposites on the spectrum, and so easy to support. Art is funny, isn't it?

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Art is funny. And oooh. some new authors to support! Will check them out. Any specific recos?

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Oh, I realized that I never responded to this. Charles Stross - writes The Laundry Files (amazing work - imagine if Cthulhu-type eldritch horrors / other demons are brought into the world thru complex mathematical equations, which is why it was so rare in the old world...and now we have super computers doing it more often...now there's a whole British organization who fight to prevent that!). Jonathan L. Howard - writer of the Johannes Cabal the Necromancer series (a Necromancer who does quasi-evil things-ish, but for a good reason?), and the Carter & Lovecraft novels - Carter is the descendant of a friend of HP Lovecraft and Lovecraft is a (Black) descendant of HP Lovecraft. They have some fun adventures and save the world from various eldritch horrors, etc. Fun fact - I once commented on Twitter that I was amused that Lovecraft was female, and Black in that series, based on HP Lovecraft's racist, misogynist ways, and JLH responded and said when he was writing the stories, they didn't seem right at first, until he made her a her, and made her Black, so it was conscious, and kind of an FU to HPL. :)

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